Kathleen 8th July 2020

Friend, colleague, fount of all knowledge, top organiser of all time, no words can fully sum up the incredible person that was Marilyn. We met nearly 34 years ago when our girls first went to playgroup. With a small group of like-minded mums we formed the ‘committee’, a bond that was to keep us all close friends over the years that followed. Marilyn was immediately made rota secretary as she was obviously much more organised than the rest of us and also had that certain air of authority when carrying out the unenviable task of insisting people did their stint. Marilyn was never faint hearted and was a shining example to us all of how to be fully committed and positive in all areas of life. I will dearly miss those catch up sessions when we could put north London and the world to rights over a glass or two of wine. Kath