Marilyn, a very special person

Created by Caroline 3 years ago

I first met Marilyn in 1985 shortly after we had both had our first babies. We started going to baby groups together, and basically never stopped meeting up after that! We moved from doing baby activities together, to sharing toddler care, and trips to play groups, to activities our growing children could join in with, as they grew up (trips to pantomimes, theatre, lidos in the summer, walks), and then we moved on to just meeting up on a regular basis over the years.  We shared holiday trips to Dorset, music evenings at Kenwood, Desert Island disc parties, dinner parties, Christmas parties, New Years parties, weddings and many, many other gatherings.  Marilyn and I shared a loved for the theatre, and we used this as a way to meet up every couple of weeks, to see a play and to have a catch up chat and a glass (or three) of wine – we loved our meetups, and must have been to hundreds of plays together over the years. We had a lot to chat about!

Marilyn was one of my oldest and closest friends, and was such a big part of my life I find it hard to believe she has gone.  She was such a powerful presence, and was the greatest organiser, and do-er, which was great as it meant anything she or I suggested we might do, we generally did! My memories of her would fill a book, but stand out ones are her love for her family and Stephen and the girls and of course Owen.  She was always generous with her time, and kind and thoughtful. She loved making delicious meals, gardening, theatre, reading, travelling and having a drink and a chat.  Her energy was phenomenal. She was always there when I needed a sensible bit of advice, or just a quick hallo, and she is quite irreplaceable – I will miss her hugely, she was a wonderful friend and my life has a massive hollow in it now.

All my love Caroline