How I ended my eulogy

Created by stephennigelrigg 4 years ago

I ended my eulogy for Marilyn by reading excerpts from two letters from a dear friend. The first she wrote to Marilyn before she died. She said:

“Why do we wait until someone has died before we say what they meant to us? Their loved ones receive letters and cards that reflect on the closeness and memories that those that have passed away never heard. So, Marilyn, this letter is for you so that you can leave this world knowing what a great friend you have been and how sorely missed you will be. Life is a bitch as you still have such an appetite for life and so much more to give. My life is richer for having you as a friend and when you die, I shall certainly shed more than a tear. I will however toast you with a large G&T and remember the fun we had”.

She then wrote to me when Marilyn died.

“Oh, poor Stephen, what can I say? We all knew this day would come but still we are unprepared. Your girls will continue to reflect their mother and you will see her in them as the years pass. They are her finest achievement (with a little input from you!) and so you are so lucky to have them, although I am sure you don’t need me to tell you that. You will all, I am sure, live life to the full in her honour and memory as she would want to you to”

It was a fitting tribute to a wonderful woman. We will miss Marilyn deeply for a very long time, our lives will never be the same without her but we shall remember with pleasure the joy she brought to ours and to so many lives.